Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cult Of The Celebrity

How much celebrity media do you comsume?
i dont really get driven by celebrity media and texts as the only time i would consume this type of text is if it was humourous or wierd. like when britney shaved her head. i wouldnt buy a magazine or newspaper just because it has a celebrity on it. i dont buy magazines anyway and newspapers if somethings happened that interests me.

In what ways are celebrity stories presented?
celebrity related stories are expressed in a very exaggerated way in national tabloid newspapers. if there is nothing that is a top story for the day, they make the celebrity story feature as the main headline and therefore make people think they are important. people look up to celebrities as there are role models and want to be exactaly like them. a clear example of this is when people copyed Beckhams hair style.

people want to know everything that happens with celebrities as it is gossip for society a gives people a chance to laugh at the expense of others. overall its a great way for newspapers to make money and get audiences to buy them.


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