Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Audience Profile

Demographic Profiling

This is the most basic form of identification for target audiences. eg age, gender.. etc.
It assumes that everyone in a very broad group has the same attitudes.

If i were to do a demographic audience on myself it would be this:
17 years old
Working/Middle Class
Asian ethnic background
British born

Psychographic Profiling

Market researchers started to catagorise audiences in terms of needs and motivations rather then simple demographic factors. this was consumers can be targeted directly yhrough their needs and desires. Advertisers now aim to link the ideologies of the product to those of the consumer.

If i were to do a psychographic profile of myself it would be this:
i am someone that buys designer brands when i can afford it. i am probably influenced by advertising although i am media literate so i do make my own mind on what i buy. so from this i would classify myself as mostly a mainstreamer. am example of a brand i would buy is nike.


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